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France fitting MHT/MLP missile on Eurodrone as program passes baseline review

France will be integrating the MHT/MLP air-to-air missile on the Eurodrone medium altitude long endurance remotely piloted aircraft system (MALE RPAS), the...

Slovenia cancelling €343M Boxer IFV deal

The Slovenian government has decided to cancel its order of 45 Boxer infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) following an audit report on the...

French Navy receives newest component of its MMCM mine warfare toolkit

The French Navy has taken delivery of the newest subsystem that will form part of a wider mine countermeasures system of systems...

Slovenia officially joins Boxer IFV program with 45-unit order

The Slovenian defense ministry and the Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (OCCAR) have signed a 343 million euro contract for Slovenia's purchase...

Slovenia ready to sign EUR 343M contract for Boxer vehicles this...

Slovenia is buying 45 Boxer vehicles which will have the same configuration as Lithuanian Vilkas IFVs.

Official contract signing kicks off Eurodrone program

Germany, France, Italy and Spain are the launch nations for the Eurodrone MALE RPAS program.
SAMP/T missile defense system

France, Italy fund development of next-generation of SAMP/T missile system

France and Italy have signed a contract for the development of a new version of the SAMP/T air-defense system dubbed SAMP/T NG...

Germany, Belgium launch night vision goggle project with OCCAR

A contract award is expected to be announced by mid-2021.

Germany picks Rohde & Schwarz for ESSOR tactical radio program implementation

Germany is joining five other EU countries already in the program.

French Army receives final HAD Tiger attack helicopter

In the HAD configuration, the Airbus-built helicopters have better ballistic protection, greater take-off weight and are better suited for operations in hot environments.

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